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Wedding of Eleanor Acquitaine and Louis VII

Selection of 2024 Anniversaries

Press release

Major 2024 anniversaries in France Anniversaries include the 80th Anniversary of D-Day & the 150th of the first Impressionist exhibit, plus those of the Maeght foundation, the completion of the Eiffel Tower, Eleanor of Aquitaine, Henri Matisse & the Angoulême Comic Strip Festival, among others.

La Fondation Maeght

2024 | Maeght Foundation expands & turns 60

Press kit

Next year marks the 60th anniversary of the Maeght Foundation which is located on the outskirts of one of the gems of the Côte d’Azur, the village of Saint-Paul de Vence. A significant expansion will be completed next July.

Hôtel Littéraire Alexandre Vialatte | Clermont-Ferrand

France's Unique 4-star Literary Hotels

Press release

This privately owned hotel group offers guests a cultural and literary romp through a choice of six hotels, three in Paris & three others throughout France. They are **** dedicated to the most celebrated French authors, from Jules Verne to Marcel Proust.

Chef Hélène Darroze

Jòia Bun by Hélène Darroze

Press release

Internationally acclaimed and Michelin-starred chef Hélène Darroze launched her latest concept in the 2nd Arrondissement in Paris, Jòia Bun
